- Vintest database

I Vinhulen's vindatabase finder du lige nu 9.895 vintest online.

Nye vintest indlægges hver søndag fordelt på følgende kategorier.

6.988 vintests af italienske vine
1.191 vintests af portvin
   822 vintests af Bordeaux vine
   563 vintests af Rhone vine
   178 vintests af Champagne
   153 vintests af andre

   15 vintest i 2025

Du kan indtaste alt i søgefeltet vedr. vin - f.eks. producent, vinnavn, vintype, farve, region, land, årgang, pris og forhandler.

Du kan også kombinationssøge - skriv f.eks. "barolo 1999", "graves rød" eller "vintage port 2003". Databasen finder så alle poster, der overholder kriterierne.

Du er velkommen til at indsætte flere end 2 eller 3 kriterier samtidgt.

Alle vintest kan ses på flere sprog, hvis du vælger en at klikke på en specifik vinbedømmelse nedenfor.

Skulle du have problemer med at søge i databasen, er du velkommen til at skrive til - Winetest database

In Vinhulen's wine database you will at present find 9.895 wine tests.

New wine tests available every Sunday in the following catagories

6.988 Italian wine tests
1.191 port wine tests
   822 Bordeaux wine tests
   563 Rhone wine tests
   178 Champagne wine tests
   153 wine tests of others

   15 wine tests in 2025

You can search for everything related to wine - ex producer, name of wine, type of wine, colour, region, country, vintage, price or retailer.

You can search by combination of several data for example "Barolo 1999", "Graves 2001" or "vintage port 2003". The database will find all data matching your search criteria.

You're welcome to search for more than 2 or 3 criterias at a time.

Any given wine test can be translated into your language if you click on a specific wine test below.

Should you face problems using the database do not hesitate to write


I vintesten i denne uge har vi på testet 7 vine - 7 italienske.

Kanonvin til spotpris - fremragende til prisen til:
Sashy Chardonnay 2023.

Links til importører:
Andrup Vin

Vindatabasen opdateres næste gang søndag den 19. januar 2025 kl. 9.00


In this weeks wine test at we have tested 7 wines - 7 Italian.

Kanonvin til spotpris - excellent price/performance to:
Sashy Chardonnay 2023.

Links to importers:
Andrup Vin

Update status:
The wine test database will be updated next at Sunday 19th January 2025 at 9.00 a.m.

Søg efter/Search for

60 resultater

Vinnavn Producent Område Årgang Pris Rating Forhandler Anmeldt
10 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 150,00 90 Bjergtrolden 15-04-2007
10 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 125,00 91 Dansk Portvin Import 10-06-2012
10 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 192,00 92 Diverse 10.12.2005
10 Year Old Tawny Century Andresen Douro 175,00 91 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
10 Year Old Tawny Century Andresen Douro 150,00 91 Diverse 16-06-2017
10 Year Old Tawny Century Andresen Douro 199,00 92 Bilka/Føtex 29-09-2019
10 Year Old Tawny Royal Choice Andresen Douro 300,00 94 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
10 Year Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 150,00 92 Diverse 16-06-2017
10 Year Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 149,00 88 16-11-2018
10 Year Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 159,00 91 Bilka/Føtex 29-09-2019
10 Year Old Tawny White (50cl.) Andresen Douro 135,00 92 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
10 Years Old White Port Andresen Douro 90 Vinimondo 09-09-2018
20 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 320,00 94 Herning Vin Import 23.12.2005
20 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 255,00 92 Bjergtrolden 15-04-2007
20 Years Old Tawny Andresen Douro 299,00 92 16-11-2018
20 Years Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 225,00 93 Diverse 16-06-2017
20 Years Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 299,00 90 16-11-2018
40 Year Old Tawny Andresen Douro 699,00 92 16-11-2018
40 Year Old Tawny White Andresen Douro 699,00 94 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1975 490,00 94 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1975 519,00 94 Bjergtrolden 22-04-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1968 909,00 91 Bjergtrolden 22-04-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1982 339,00 93 Bjergtrolden 22-04-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1995 179,00 91 Bjergtrolden 22-04-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1995 200,00 90 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1982 340,00 91 Diverse 28.10.2006
Colheita Andresen Douro 1992 89 Diverse 17.12.2004
Colheita Andresen Douro 1975 92 Diverse 17.12.2004
Colheita Andresen Douro 1991 225,00 91 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 1980 399,00 92 Bjergtrolden 22-04-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 2000 199,00 91 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1910 98 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1937 92 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1963 97 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1968 999,00 95 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1970 799,00 95 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1975 499,00 94 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1980 399,00 92 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1982 399,00 93 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1995 229,00 93 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1968 700,00 94 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Colheita Andresen Douro 2005 149,00 90 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1997 200,00 91 Diverse 16-06-2017
Colheita Andresen Douro 1991 249,00 92 16-11-2018
Colheita Andresen Douro 1995 200,00 91 Diverse 16-06-2017
Late Bottled Vintage Andresen Douro 2000 149,00 89 Bjergtrolden 15-04-2007
Late Bottled Vintage Andresen Douro 2014 199,00 92 Bilka/Føtex 29-09-2019
Late Bottled Vintage Andresen Douro 1998 135,00 93 Diverse 28.10.2006
Late Bottled Vintage Andresen Douro 2000 135,00 89 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Late Bottled Vintage Andresen Douro 2011 150,00 92 Diverse 16-06-2017
Special Reserve White Andresen Douro 135,00 90 Herning Vinimport 01-12-2007
Special Reserve White Andresen Douro 135,00 88 Bjergtrolden 15-04-2007
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2009 430,00 89 Vild Med Vin 24-02-2013
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2005 400,00 91 Diverse 16-06-2017
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2000 350,00 93 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2003 395,00 91 Davina Vin 10.06.2006
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2005 446,00 91 Vild Med Vin 24-02-2013
Vintage Port Andresen Douro 2000 93 Diverse 17.12.2004
White Port 10 Year Old (50cl.) Andresen Douro 199,00 91 Herning Vinimport 01-12-2007
White Reserve Andresen Douro 115,00 89 Herning Vinimport 22-12-2007